
Italy is Out feature at The Italian Radio Hour

date » 05-10-2023 16:25

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The Italian Radio Hour by Viviana Altieri.

This week on The Italian Radio Hour - 'Italy is Out" is the fruit of the collaboration between Mario Badagliacca, established documentary photographer, and Derek Duncan, Professor of Italian at the University of St. Andrews and whose objective was to explore the implications Italian migration in a global perspective tracing cultural transformations across borders, generations, and languages.
Badagliacca visited the project's key locations conducting interviews with Italians or people of Italian descent before photographing them in familiar locations. The subjects of the portraits were invited to bring along three objects representing their attachment to Italy. The sheer variety of the objects which appear alongside the portraits suggests the diversity of the migrant experience.
Photographs shot in London, New York, Buenos Aires features members of the historical Italian community, but also first generation migrants in search of opportunities not offered at home.
A similar complexity emerges, more unexpectedly, in the postcolonial Italian communities of Tunis and Addis Ababa.
The photographs are accompanied by essays written by members of the research team and people who have in some way participated in the project.
Fiction, autobiography, and academic reflection sit side by side adding to Badagliacca's multifaceted exploration of Italian abroad.

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